Corporate Culture

Corporate Culture

Enterprise vision
Innovative products to create market, do industry leader enterprise mission
Serve every customer well and achieve every employee.
Enterprise philosophy
Adhere to the first-class management, innovation - flow products, provide first-class services.
A hundred million people rule
Love the company, consciously maintain the company's reputation; Dedication, hard work due diligence;
Be honest and trustworthy, obey the rules and obey the management; Unity and cooperation, tolerance to treat colleagues;
Delve into business, update knowledge, innovate and forge ahead; Civilized behavior, dignified appearance and integrity;
Take good care of public property, practice strict economy and pay attention to health; Thanksgiving return, filial piety parents love loved ones.
Our ascension changes the idea
Serious, fast, stick to the commitment, ensure the completion of the task optimistic, confident, love and dedication, never make excuses.